Featured Special offers.
Africa location wide car hire offers from Habari Car rentals. Great deals on car hire rates and unique offers available every week to make your 4x4 car hire easier.Please contact us on +256.772.370.111 +44.790.863.9450
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On these pages we periodically present special offers for car hire across the Africa vehicle rental locations from which we operate. Keep checking back for those that apply to your vehicle rental destination. or email us for competitive quote at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cross border Uganda-Rwanda, FREE COMESA insurance US$60
Book until 30th November
Visit Ethiopia with 15% discount!Rent a 4x4 car with driver in Addis Ababa Ethiopia and benefit from 10% discount on all our 4x4 vehicle options.
Book until 30th December.
Monthly rentals. Now 20% off in Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya
.Book before 30th November
Safari Students.15 to 20 % off 4x4 cars across Africa
SuperCover. Comprehensive insurance coverage.Now available when you book and pay a 20% commitment deposit.
Habari Car rentals, 4x4 self drive and with driver best car hire Rates Guarantee For unbeatable value, and reliable 4x4 cars, come to us first.
Please contact us on +256.772.370.111 +44.790.863.9450
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.